SweetLogics (TIN 2010-21062-C02) : January 2011 - September 2014
The project SweetLogics is a joint project of two spanish research groups.
The group of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, 15 researchers) runs the subproject SweetLogics-UPC (TIN 2010-21062-C02-01). The leader of this project is Albert Rubio, who also coordinates the whole SweetLogics project.
I lead the research team of the UPV subproject SweetLogics-UPV (TIN 2010-21062-C02-02) integrated by members of the ELP group (17 researchers).
TechnoLogics (TIN 2007-68093-C02) : October 2007 - September 2010
The project TechnoLogics was a joint project of two spanish research groups.
The group of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, 16 researchers) ran the subproject TechnoLogics-UPC (TIN 2007-68093-C02-01). The leader of this project was Albert Rubio, who also coordinated the whole TechnoLogics project.
I led the research team of the UPV subproject TechnoLogics-UPV (TIN 2007-68093-C02-02) integrated by members of the ELP group (21 researchers).
Doctoral School towards European Knowledge Society (DEUKS) (CD_JEP-41099-2006 (RS))
September 2007 - August 2009
The project DEUKS developed within the EC TEMPUS programme for promoting doctoral degrees in European countries, was led by Marina Lenisa (Università di Udine, coordinator) and Silvia Ghilezan (University of Novi Sad).
The other institutions involved in the project were the Institut National de Recherches en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, led by Luigi Liquori; the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, led by Zoran Ognjanovic; and the DSIC at the Technical University of Valencia, UPV, led by Salvador Lucas.
Analyzing termination of programs: from theory to practice (HA2006-0007)
January 2007 - March 2009
This project was developed as part of the Acción Integrada programme of the German and Spanish governments to promote bilateral research projects.
The group of the RWTH Aachen (4 researchers) was lead by Jürgen Giesl. I led the research team of the UPV (7 researchers).
FAST: Formal techniques for Applied Software Technology (GV06/285) : 2006-2007
I led the research team of the UPV integrated by members of the ELP group (7 researchers).
LER-Language Engineering and Rigorous Software Development (AML/19.0902/97/0666/II-0472-FA)
March 2005 - March 2009)
The project LER developed within the EC Alfa programme for promoting doctoral degrees in Latinamerican countries, was led by Luis Barbosa (University of Minho).
The other institutions involved in the project were Universiteit Utrecht (NL), led by Doaitse Swierstra; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (ES), led by Pascual Julián; the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (ES), led by Salvador Lucas; Chalmers Tekniska Hgskola AB (SE), led by Peter Dybjer; Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (FR), led by Gilles Barthe; Universidad de la Repblica (UY), led by Alberto R. Pardo; Universidad Nacional de San Luis (AR), led by Daniel Riesco; Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais (BR), led by Carlos Camarao; Universidad EAFIT (CO), led by Francisco Correa; and Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero (AR), led by Gustavo Villavicencio.
Programmable Strategies in Functional Programming: Logics and Optimization (HU 2003-0003) : January 2004 - December 2005
This project was developed as part of the Acción Integrada programme of the German and Spanish governments to promote bilateral research projects.
The group of the Technical University of Vienna (6 researchers) was lead by Bernhard Gramlich. I led the research team of the UPV (10 researchers).
Computational Strategies in Declarative Programming (HU 2001-0019) : January 2002 - December 2003
This project was developed as part of the Acción Integrada programme of the German and Spanish governments to promote bilateral research projects.
The group of the Technical University of Vienna (5 researchers) was lead by Bernhard Gramlich. I led the research team of the UPV (8 researchers).
HADOS: Herramientas Avanzadas para el DesarrollO del Software (GV 01-424) : January 2001 - December 2002
I led the research team of the UPV integrated by members of the ELP group (7 researchers).